How to get started using Featured Comment Block

A native block plugin that allows you to selectively display a post comment as featured.

  1. Download the .zip file and unzip it.
  2. Upload the featured-comment-block folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Here’s how you can use “Featured Comment” block to display a comment.

Navigate to any WordPress post/page editor and insert the featured comment block.

Now lets choose a comment template you like.

Lets now select a comment to be display.

💡 Pro tip: If your post has many comments. You can also “scope to the current post” to make sure only relevant comments (that are added on the current post) are displayed in the results (see below).

“Featured Comment Block” uses “Block Patterns API” for templating. This allows 3rd party plugin and theme developers to add templates in the block.

Block patterns are usually added via the “register_block_pattern” method in plugins (or custom code snippets as well).