Little Solutions
to Big Problems

Our team is fed up with plugins that think they need to be everything-in-one, bloated, over-loaded offerings. We solve complex issues in direct, simple ways.

High quality, customizable plugins that make life easier

We build little solutions to big problems. Our plugins are speed-, SEO-, and ad-optimized, where appropriate, to give our users every possible advantage.

We specialize in solutions for publishers managing hundreds or thousands of pages in content: we’ve worked with you for a decade and know the challenges you face.

Our flagship plugin:
Dynamic Connector Block

Publishers now have easy category-specific opt-ins–finally–which means: increased conversion rates!

  • Easy Customization
  • Increased Engagement
  • Better Segmentation
  • Efficient Logic Building

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Block Meta Icon

Targeted Opt-Ins

Build customizable content today

Easy to use

Anyone using a WordPress block editor can use it!

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Have questions? Contact us!

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